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Nik Key (Ki)

Certified Art Jester

I am small town Texas born and fled. In my 20's I came to NYC and attended the CCNY studio arts program earning my BA for portraiture in 2018 and moved to CT for the trees. Two out of two dogs agree: good choice.


In the Before Times, I performed stand-up comedy (which admittedly blurs the line between bravery and insanity) and I like to pretend I don't enjoy name dropping comics with whom I've worked. I ran a studio and taught art, later I moved the studio into my home and sell original art, prints, and merchandise for 


My family says my career is doomed for failure if I vocally advocate for Queer and gender equality and, truth be told, I'd love to prove them wrong on this. I welcome all gender identities and applaud and support those who are still figuring it out. It's your journey. Take your time and don't let anyone smoosh your fire.

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